Wednesday, 22 December 2010

day twenty-two: travel

"How did you travel in 2010? How and/or where would you like to travel next year?"
i travelled mostly by plane and bus. okay, and now i can imagine sherlock holmes says, "quite an observation but i was hoping that you can go deeper."

compared to 2009, in 2010 i travelled to less places, particularly within the country. but this year, i travelled further and longer. i spent almost two weeks in germany for an international student festival, and almost five months in thailand for an exchange semester. to make those trips happened, i travelled to the capital city quite a lot of times in the first half of the year. during both my abroad trips, i visited several cities in the countries. oh, and i also had a transit in dubai, the airport was nice.

travelling was tough this year, considering the distance, which affect the cost of the travel, that i almost cannot afford. thus, i have to seek around for help, looking for generous people to fund my trip(s). funding my travel to europe was quite a challenge, but it worth all the hassle. the same thing goes with my trip to thailand, which ended up getting a sponsored ticket from my national airline.

and i am leaving home today!
regardless of how some staffs of my national airline are being neglecting and uncooperative in helping me getting my sponsored ticket, i am excited to surprise my mother by sending myself for mother's day.

oh - and as for any travel next year, i am not planning any overseas trips because mum will disapprove such spending, unless it will be completely free. however, i am thinking of graduating this year and working overseas soon afterwards.

(this post was saved as a draft, because it was impossible to post it right afterwards - it will definitely spoil the surprise! plus, at the moment, i was still unsure whether or not i could get my ticket today. roarr!)

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